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Requalification of Villagonia borough, Taormina (ME)

Villagonia is a fraction of the better known town of Taormina which, in contrast with the splendor prevailing in the pearl of the Ionian Sea, is in a state of unacceptable degradation due to its proximity to the sea and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The purpose of the
thesis has been the regeneration of this village and the design of new public spaces designed to revitalize this part of the territory.


New public library, Quartiere Alessandrino (RM)
This academic project was designed for a very run down part of town, the neighborhood Alessandrino, in Rome. It has the distinction of being in relation to a pre-existing Roman typology that marks the entire landscape of Lazio, the aqueduct. In this regard, the choice of thinking to an hypogean space was almost immediate;
for the urban space, including the large road axis of Viale Palmiro Togliatti, we considered the possibility of giving more space to the green component almost non-existent in this urban area.


Requalification of Piazza Mazzini, Lecce (LE)

Piazza Mazzini attualmente è un importante punto di snodo tra il centro storico e il tessuto moderno. Essa si pone come potenziale centralità della città nuova, forte della sua posizione, della grande ampiezza e della lunga tradizione come luogo d’incontro. Il nostro obiettivo è rafforzare questo ruolo e tradurre le potenzialità in concretezza, rendendo la piazza un effettivo polo attrattivo, un luogo che sia scelto come meta e non come sola sosta, un luogo di movimento e di scoperta, non di stasi, un luogo d’affezione e non di passaggio.

Technical solution for the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, Daharan (Saudi Arabia)

Designed by Snøhetta, the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture is a site that make its strenght on the Landscape Architecture. The need for this project were to realize all the shop drawings and the esecutive plan for one of the five stones, the Great Hall of the site.

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